Thursday, August 22, 2013

Fashion Vlogger #17: Back to School | 7 Key Pieces & Outfit Ideas

I know I say this pretty much every month, but I'm really excited to share my 17th video as the Place d'Orleans Fashion Vlogger with you.  For this video I purchased seven key Fall pieces and mixed and matched them all to create several different outfits (I'm sure you could even come up with more!).  Additionally, I had help shooting this video making it way more awesome than it would have been if I had used my tripod.

I love all the pieces I picked out and am showcasing in this video, especially the black sweater.  The combat/moto boots I picked up from Aldo are like nothing I own...and a little outside of my comfort zone, to be honest!  All in the name of fashion, though, plus I like pushing my own fashion limits; why not?  By the end of shooting this video I was kind of in love with the boots and am looking forward to roughing them up a little so they look even more bad ass (and to contradict that point, I bought black shoe polish when I purchased them...hmmm).

Stay tuned for more videos (specifically on the Place d'Orleans Facebook page).

 Other videos:
* Fall Fashion (video #1)
* Wardrobe Classics (video #2)
* Bundling Up for Winter (video #3)
* New Year, New You! (video #6)
* What to Wear on a Date (video #8)
* Dreaming of Summer (video #9)
* Spring Trends (video #12)
* Biggest Spring Trends (video #13)
* Summer Event Wear (video #14)



  1. Ok. im here to ask you please answer your inbox messages on youtube. cause i have a outfit request afterwards. just please read my message. Its issamleiwulong

    good luck...

  2. Loved your video:) and loved all the outfits you put together. Just wanted to let you know you have a beautiful smile:)

  3. @Anon 1: sorry, I have not received your message.

    @Anon 2: Thank you SO MUCH!! :)


Only nice comments please. That means you, Anonymous.

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