Tuesday, July 23, 2013

50 Facts About Me

I screwed up!  I thought I had 50 facts and ended up with 47...?!  What tha whaaaaaaa.  Ugh.  Sorry about that guys but I didn't want to get re-dressed and film and import and edit, and blah, blah, blah!

Here are two more facts:  

* I love milk & recently switched over to Almond Milk exclusively.  

* I'm going to be an aunt any day now for the first time! :D

I also vlog for my local mall.  Check out my videos on their channel HERE.


  1. 1. LOL HOLY - 200 pairs of SHOES. Amanda, I want to see!!
    2. Mini eggs ftw, peanut butter = vom.
    3. You made me genuinely laugh out loud at you saying "I.... Love... PIE!"
    4. I want to do this! I'm making a list right now.

  2. Why are you the cutest?! Love this!! And I love that you love shoes just as much as I do :)

    Pursuit of Shoes

  3. I love this! I want to do one too!

  4. Still at 49 facts, as you mentioned milk/almond milk in your video ;)


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