Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Faux Side Shave

Outfit deets:
* Zara top (new!).
* Zara pants (new!).
* Aldo wedges (old) which you've seen a million times because they used to be my fave and seen with a mini skirt and low-back sweater (love this post) & in a construction zone (love this one too).
* Accessories: Ardene necklace, various bangles & Gucci shades.

I twisted and pulled my hair back on this day to create a faux side-shave to emulate a Cassie or Rihanna-like hairstyle.  As I was leaving my building, a neighbour who I'm familiar with asked if I had shaved half my head!  Mission accomplished.

On another note, the boyfriend was not a fan of this look and asked me to never wear my hair like this again.  Haha, I guess some styles are more for the girls, case in point.



  1. I think this looks fantastic actually; maybe just wear your hair like this on days/nights when you know you're not going to see your boyfriend!

  2.'re bf is crazy, it looks awesome! Guys just don't get it sometimes lol.

  3. @Katrina: so sweet, thanks! And yes, on those days/nights for sure... I still like it! Haha

    @Amanda: #truth !


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