Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Do you find racist jokes funny?

I love a good joke, as much as the next person, but someone recently pointed out to me that I don't like racist jokes.  This kind of caught me off guard, I'd never thought about it, but do have strong feelings against racism. 

That said, it's not that I've never laughed at a racist (or stereotypical) joke before, I have, but ultimately, I don't find the majority of them funny.  I just feel bad because I don't feel it's right, or something...

I hadn't given it much though until it was pointed out to me.

Do you find racist jokes funny?

And now a racist joke...



  1. I agree. It just doesn't feel right and the majority are not funny anyway so what's the point?

  2. I am Ojibwe but I have a fair complexion, so I know how it feels to be on the other end of racist jokes. It's just not funny if someone feels uncomfortable or hurt (whether they are present or not). IMHO, a racist joke is just racist.. that's why it's called that :)

  3. I hate racial jokes, jokes about drugs, jokes that rely on profanity, really any kind of vulgar humor. For instance I could never get into Dave Chapelle (sp?). My friends and I were just talking about this the other day.

  4. I think there is a big difference between "stereotype" jokes and "racist" jokes. We all have stereotypes, no matter who we are (white, black, female, blondes, tall, young, moms, etc.) and sometimes people categorize these as "racist"..and they aren't (a joke about Asians being good at math, or a joke saying that blondes are stupid). If the joke can be made within the same stereotype, then it is usually pretty funny and ironic. But, it seems to be "racist" when someone from not that stereotype, makes it about/to another stereotype group, you know?

    I also think we can have certain sensitivities to some racial/stereotype jokes, when it is "about" someone you know/love. IE: making a joke about an African-American and you are dating one. I know that I hate when people make "stupid blonde" jokes, cause it affects ME personally and I don't find it funny.

    But - being a self-proclaimes amateur comedian (used very loosely), I like to make others laugh. So sometimes I will say an inside joke or something blurring the line about another race that I know the audience at the time will find funny, be it one person or a group of boys on my softball team.

    I just thought I would share my view..that is all..the end.

  5. @Sarah: good points all 'round! I totally agree. PS - I find Asian jokes funny, don't tell Marco.


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