Friday, March 15, 2013


Today I turn 29 and it is a little surreal thinking I'm in the last year of my twenties.  ReallyThe last year in my twenties?  I don't feel old enough to be here... and somehow I do. 

I also feel there is this silent obligation to make this the best year ever, being as it's the last one in my twenties (despite knowing I should and will have many great years to come in my thirties, and forties, and fifties, and so on, I hope).

This year I will be celebrating tonight with my boyfriend, tomorrow with a girl friend for brunch, Saturday night with a few girlfriends for dinner, and Sunday with my Grandparents who have kindly invited me for dinner at their senior's residence.  My family threw me a surprise birthday dinner back in February as my parents would be away on the actual day, complete with my best friend and my favourite meal: a full turkey dinner (and a sweet home-made cake by my mom)!

Here is a look back at the past few birthdays:
* 26: Birthday dinner.


  1. Happy Birthday and welcome to the 29ers club! :) May this year be the best!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA!!!!!!!! (via your Blog)

    This is medium #7 now???
    (Text, Facebook, Radio, Twitter, Net Send, Phone, Blog...soon to be in person (8), email (9) and maybe internal mail or something. HAHA!

    Hope you have an amazing birthday and can't wait to celebrate tomorrow evening :) Muah xxo

    Your BFF.

  3. Happy Birthday! Enjoy celebrating!

  4. Happy Birthday! Enjoy the last year of your twenties to the fullest! I know I'll be feeling the very same way next year.


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