Monday, January 14, 2013

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

This weekend was surprisingly low key considering all the pictures I have, but the majority of it was spent in sweats, online, or watching movies, or eating or just laying low... which was pretty nice...
Saturday morning breakfast (looks familiar, I know).

On Saturday afternoon, I edited a haul video and uploaded it.

Later on that evening I hit the gym for a weekend workout (so rare for me).

Saturday night dinner:  chicken with spinach, goat cheese and roast potatoes.

That evening I caught up on my favourite YouTube subscriptions and later on watched a movie.

Sunday was super foggy but also really mild (yay!).

Sunday afternoon shopping.
Outfit deets: Ashley B jacket, Mexx top, H&M tank, Sirens leggings, F21 bag & sneaks.

 I picked up these booties from Forever 21.

  I filmed a haul once I got home (will have that up this week).

  These babies have been indoors since The Weeknd concert in Montreal back in October, however, I pulled them out as the streets weren't snowy and it was so warm.

 Sunday evening I visited my BFF  (who is sick) with some soup.  These are her two adorable cats.

I couldn't resist and picked up another $4 sweatshirt & DIY'ed it like the grey one.

 Sunday night snack:  chocolate ice cream!


1 comment

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