Monday, December 10, 2012

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

Unlike the weekend before, this past weekend was extremely busy and eventful involving a Christmas luncheon, two birthday celebrations (for one special person) and a full day dedicated to filming my upcoming vlog.  Here are some snapshots...

On my way to our work Christmas lunch on Friday.

 What I ate: Angus burger with goat cheese & portobello mushrooms (and coleslaw on the side).

 Friday night hair prep.

Friday night outfit.
Outfit deets:  Joe Fresh dress (old), unknown tights & Aldo booties.

 Friday night dinner:  Smoked salmon |  Fish tacos

 Saturday morning we awoke to a crazy snowstorm (it was still green up until then).

Saturday night birthday festivities, hosted by yours truly.

I got a couple bottles of red...

Made ceasar salad with real parmigian & proscuitto instead of bacon.

And cooked filet for dinner with sweet potato mashed, asparagus & sauteed mushrooms.

Happy Birthday MSP!
(Creme brulee-raspberry cheesecake)

 ...and later on we noshed on a special cheese / meat plate.

Sunday morning french toast (made with left-over multi-grain baguette from the cheese plate above).

 I spent Sunday afternoon filming my upcoming vlog (see previous vlogs here).

My sister sent me a pic of my uber adorable niece, Piper, all ready for Christmas.

 After filming and hair still done (wearing my extensions).

Trying to get some work done... excuse me miss.


1 comment

  1. I'm crazy about your Friday night outfit - winter whites do it again! I have a white T-shirt dress that I've been waiting to style just like that this winter! :)


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