Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Half a Tank

Outfit deets:
* Zara sweater (with La Senza bandeau underneath) which you've seen in a cream colour with a black skirt and also with my chartreuse lace ruffle shorts.
* H&M pants, worn in the same spot two years ago with white and wedges again (and one of my favourite outfit posts).
* Aldo wedges (love these) which you've seen with a hunter green chiffon top & skirt recently and with denim and an unbuttoned button-down.
* Accessories:  H&M belt, MK watch, A.Co Designs bracelet, Suzy necklace, Gucci shades & random bangle.

Do you ever feel like you're running on half a tank?  That's pretty much how I've been feeling for the last three weeks or so.  It's been busy, to say the least with my trip to Vegas and then my sister's wedding.  Additionally work has been crazy and I stayed two hours late Monday through Wednesday last week.  Throw a personal life into the mix and half a tank feels more like a quarter tank.

Tonight is exciting though; I'm heading to the mall where I am the new Fashion Vlogger and we are going to be filming a b-roll for my upcoming videos.  This will be the little 'intro' that goes at the beginning of each haul video I produce, which is pretty cool.  My first haul video will be up soon and it will include all the items I purchased during the shop-off challenge that I competed in and that ultimately won me the contest!  I can't wait to share with you all.

In other news, I've joined a volleyball league with some friends that plays on Thursdays and I'll be starting tomorrow.  I'm kind of nervous.  It's been three years since I played organized volleyball so not sure how my skills are going to hold up!

Hope you're all having a great week!


1 comment

  1. first time on your blog and really like it (found you via Mandy's blog)... and we have the same shoes :) gotta love aldo!


    Fashion Fractions


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