Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

 I looked after Peanut for an extended long weekend while my parent's went away.  
She's so cute and fun to have around...
except when she wakes me up at 3:45am to go outside.

 Friday night my girl friend and I got Greek on Wheels and hung out.

 Saturday I went to breakfast with some of my favourite girl friends.

A surprise from a friend and my fave.

 Saturday morning breakfast.

 After breakfast, my bff and I checked out the local Farmers Market... which was totally lame and we left after seeing everything in five minutes.

That evening I discovered my new favourite wine:  Fuzion Pinot Grigio.
Clearly a favourite as the bottle is empty.

Saturday night dinner.  Ahh-mazing.

 Peanut and I relaxed on Sunday morning; I had a shake, she wished she had a shake.

 Then we met up with a friend (and I wore my favourite denim shorts)...

...for some iced coffee on a patio.

 On Sunday night there was some sort of hot-air-balloon festival happening and I snapped this shot from my bedroom window.

That evening we had an #XtremeWaterparks meeting to prep for the next day.
Outfit deets:  Garage cropped denim jacket, Dynamite tube top and Pure & Simple maxi skirt.

 Monday morning, upon arrival at Calypso waterpark, way before opening hours.

After a long day of filming, climbing over 150 flights of stairs (not kidding) during the day and having the time of our lives; enjoying a cold one.

I actually managed to pull myself together on Monday evening and go out for dinner.
Outfit deets:  Joe Fresh dress, vintage (thrifted) belt & Kelsi Dagger wedges

Probably the best (fois gras) burger I've ever had in my entire life.



  1. You chose a big guy Amanda lol. You should have stayed with your frenchie.

  2. Seriously???! She can date who ever she wants, she is divorced you know.

  3. I absolutely love that you seem to be happy and having fun again! Keep up the blogging; I'm addicted. I feel like if we met in real life we'd be instant biffs :O)

  4. Looks like a super fun weekend filled with lots of great food and drink!

  5. I noticed how you never once blogged about "your frenchie"..so that must mean something (or nothing for that matter)! Smaller in physical size means much more room left for personality and confidence. Good for you A.Coest1984, getting out there again is the hardest part. You look HAPPY in all of your recent posts and that makes me happy for you!!

    All the best in your new adventures moving forward. Remember: "never settle for less than EVERYTHING!" Why? Cause you are worth it! xo

  6. Those are decidedly manly arms!!! I'm a sucker for nice forearms. . . does he have a brother?!


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