Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Shopping with a List: Do or Don't?

Outfit deets:
* Joe Fresh top (new!).
* Parasuco jeans (via Marshalls) which I've worn considerably, but not yet on the blog.
* Payless heels which are new-ish and have been worn with a purple dress (what is it with these shoes and purple!?).
* Accessories: vintage necklace, A.Co Designs charm bracelet & Old Navy bangle.

Do you make lists for when you shop?  Or perhaps, make a note of certain things you're looking for?

I don't.  I just go where the retail therapy takes me, however lately, while clothes shopping, I have been on specific hunts for certain items.  Lately I've noticed some gaps in my closet (is that possible?) and have been narrowing my search down.  

Things I have been shopping for lately:
* More purple (specifically: lavender skinnies)
* Tops with sleeves (like the one I'm wearing)
* Skirts for the office that are longer

It's interesting as I can certainly see why I ended up with so many sleeveless shirts (and so few with sleeves), as I tend to grab for those first.  I find though, with a list (in my head, at least), I am more apt to focus on what I'm looking for, versus simply buying because it's beautiful.




  1. I love the color of that top! I have horrible luck if I try to shop for something specific. It's much easier to just go shopping and grab things I know I like.

  2. I sometimes have a mental list and sometimes don't. I usually have an idea of what I DON'T need and try to stay away from that!! Sometimes I noticed a very big hole in my wardrobe and spend a lot of time looking for something in particular (right now it's skirts - I recently realized I hardly have any skirts!).

    I love the color of this purple top. Cute!

  3. I usually don't go with a list, but I do have a list of general "wants". Maroon skinny jeans, more blouses for work and some fun flats.

  4. I sometimes make a list of certain things that I saw in a magazine, blog, on Pinterest, etc. that I really want. I also mentally note what I need- jeans, more basics etc. just so I can keep my focus but if I see something that catches my eye in the store I don't pass it up just because it didn't make the list.

  5. It sounds like we do the same thing..I tend to just gran what I am in love but then, every once in awhile, I definitely fell like there are specific things I need..maxi's being one of them, chambray shirt which I got and a great colorful clutch!


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