Monday, January 23, 2012

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

My weekend was really good, it was filled with food (tons of it), a movie (Moneyball), sleeping in times two, late nights, more food, organizing, and spending time with favourite people.  Oh, and I got some laundry done; four of seven loads, which means there is still more.

1.  My sister's puppy is getting bigger.
2.  Late night snack sesh.
3.  &  4.  My grandparents gave me this gold mirror, I (spray) painted it silver.
5.  &  6.  Food at my sister's place for wedding DIY Saturday (her fiance made the caramel-covered-pretzels. What! I know.)
7.  Twinsies!  (total fluke)
8.  Putting my new lacquered boxes into action.



  1. I love the watches and bracelet combo. Your dresser looks great, those jewelry boxes are so pretty!

  2. Ok I just tried to comment and it didn't work!! WTH?!

    HI!! I know I've been SOOO MIA!! SORRY!! Update: So yes S is back- for good! It's so crazy!! We have so much to figure out but so far all is good!
    Took me a minute to get a handle on everything but I'm back :)
    Thanks for the b-day wishes...I can't believe another year has gone by!!
    Oh and I put the link to that bag on my post. I totally forgot to link it. I love her bags...we covered her for our new website, did an interview and took pics...she's amazing and so are her bags.
    Miss you lots! xoxo

  3. seriously, cutest pooch ever :)

  4. How come you dont hang out with your husband???


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