Monday, January 16, 2012

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

This weekend has sort of flown by, but at the same time, a lot has been accomplished.  On Friday night I had dinner with some friends (tacos!) and Saturday was a family day (after sleeping in till 1pm).  Sunday I ran errands and made meatballs for dinner and did not touch the laundry I should have done (oops).

1.  My first Persian tea
2.  A sweet treat
3.  Something I'm covetting
4.  New lacquered boxes for accessories (from Winners)
5.  Sunday breakfast
6.  A piece of art I have acquired that was created by my great-grandfather
7.  New make-up
8.  New shoes (with a much shorter heel than I'm used to)



  1. THat bagel sammy looks delish!

    i slept in until 11:30 today adn thought that was pretty good-

    you've got me beat tho!

    I took a 2 hr nap yesterday too- yay for catching up on much needed sleep!!!

  2. I am obsessed with bagel sandwiches! Lunch, dinner, love them! Especially the "everything" bagel with chive and onion cream cheese! :)

  3. That chandelier is SO pretty. I really want one too but all of my ceiling are so low in this apartment. The accessory boxes really nice too, love that color.

  4. i love those shoes.
    and i just adore that art piece, its stunning! <3


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