Thursday, December 29, 2011

Santa's Helper


As mentioned, I played an Elf on Christmas Eve Eve (last day of work).  Employees are encouraged to bring their kids to work on that day and seriously, when the kids saw Santa, they went nuts.  Totally adorable.

 Vintage (thrifted) blazer, Sirens top, H&M pants (last seen here), borrowed hat & target flats

The two main comments that day were, 'That's the tallest elf I've ever seen' and inquiries about whether or not I was in costume.  I was not.  All clothes were from my closet (ha).



  1. Awww, that is so nice of you to dress up for the kids. It's nice that something so small can have such a great impact on kids. That's the most fashionable elf costume I've seen to date!
    Happy New Year.

  2. OMG how cute are you! :)

    xx Vivian @

  3. A, you are the chicest elf around!! Love it. :) I love the outfit too.

    How have you been? I hope you've bee fabulous!!!

    xx Love & Aloha


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