Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Healthy Smoothie

While leaving the gym a couple weeks ago, a trainer had set up a table by the front doors and was handing out dixie cups filled with a green 'energy' smoothie she made.  I, of course, grabbed one because (a) I just finished a workout and was famished, and (b) I'm always up for trying something new.  

Turns out although it looked nasty, it tasted delicious.  

She had kindly printed out the recipe and had a stack of 'em for people to take home (with, of course, her personal training coordinates).  A few days later I made my own but it didn't turn out green like hers, and I had to improvise a bit because who really keeps almond milk and two kinds of yoghurt in their fridge at the same time?  Not this girl.

Healthy Smoothie:
* Frozen banana
* 1 Cup of Milk
* 1/2 Cup of Yoghurt
* 1 Cup of Frozen Berries (I used strawberries)
* Handful of Spinach*




* I know what you're thinking, 'Spinach?! In a smoothie? Really Amanda? Yuck!' 
but seriously, you don't even taste it. And it's good for you. So do it.  Do it good.


  1. hahaha, there is ALWAYS almond milk in my fridge

  2. Thank you so much for your comments on my blog! This smoothie looks delish! I'm a smoothie fanatic and I always add spinach or kale to my smoothies! YUM! PS- love your layered tights look too! xo www.casualglamorous.com


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