Friday, November 11, 2011

Healthy Pumpkin Muffins

I made these pumpkin muffins last week and they have been a big hit.  They came out kinda wonky looking because they are 'healthy'* and I guess that means they won't be perfect looking, but nonetheless, they're good.  The flavour isn't bad, but a regular (fatty) muffin has a ton of sugar to make it sweet and flavourful.  You will not get that with this muffin, however, in a rush or pinch, you can down one of these and the guilt doesn't tend to set in like with a normal muffin it would.


Sort of.

* What the heck is 'spelt flour'?  No clue, so I used whole wheat (that might explain the deformation?).  Also, I couldn't find coconut oil so I used olive (meh).



  1. They have coconut oil at Whole Foods but I don't know if you have that in Canada? Spelt is a grain from the wheat family but it a pure grain. where others are contaminated with bleach and chemicals to make flour, spelt is not. :)
    I'm full of useless information. Haha! I always take the healthy route when baking and you're right, definitely not the prettiest but it's yummy and (somewhat) guilt free! :)

  2. Oh this recipe looks and sounds so delicious!! I love pumpkin muffins!


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