Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Costa Blanca blazer, Old Navy tank, Boom Boom pants (last seen here), 
Gap wedges, Suzy belt worn as a necklace & F21 bangle

I've noticed a shift.  A change of sorts.  When I started blogging, I was all consumed with other fashion/person-style bloggers, couldn't get enough, fashion, fashion, fashion.  Well, apparently I'm growing diverse in my ripe ol' age of 27 as I'm beginning to see a shift.  I'm now more interested in content, not just fashion.  I want to read what you have to say, even better if it's the nitty gritty of random weekends, how cooking something ended up a disaster (or an amazing dinner party), or simply how the previous evening went down.  Sure, pictures to accompany these words are great, but I find myself coming back for more and more... words.



  1. Great photos I have the same pants but from Tory Burch
    Always following
    The Dolls Factory

  2. I'm so the opposite. I have word A.D.D. I think. I am still fashion fashion fashion LMAO...and b/c of this I have been keeping things pretty short on my blog. Well maybe that and the fact that being chipper is difficult right now and I'd rather be short and sweet than negative nancy...LOL
    OMG that craigslist add just made me laugh!! SO needed that!

  3. Cute look, I love the necklace too! xo

  4. preeetty sure that it's after labour day and you're wearing white pants. And I think you should invest in an iron. "A" for effort tho :)


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