Monday, August 29, 2011

Purse Score + Rockin' the New Ash Booties

 H&M blazer (last seen here), H&M dress (worn as a shirt), H&M pants (last seen here),
Ash booties, Costa Blanca belt, Deux Lux bag, Suzy necklace, F21 ring & Zara cuff

Apparently I'm a walking billboard for H&M in this outfit (and I didn't even realize it until I started typing out the deets).

So I have been on a real bag binge lately (wtf) - I've been having so much luck in the purse department, it's getting a little ridiculous (and I am stopping immediately... or am I?).  This one is new and is by Deux Lux (pronounced: deluxe, for all your non-French speaking people out there) and I picked it up at Winners for a cool $60.  Normally I tend to keep my purse purchases under $50, so this was a splurge (for me. What!?).  However, I have since found the bag online and it sells for $150 (insert happy dance here)!

So last week was super hectic, hence the lack of posts, but I've got a few lined up for you this week, so check back.  And I know, the give-away, I haven't forgotten, I swear and you've all been so patient... it's coming!

So this was the first time wearing my new Ash booties (that I'm completely in love with, for the record).  When they arrived in the mail, my Dad was curious to see what I had ordered so I showed him.  His response?  Silence.  And then, "Oh... interesting'.  I laughed and told him he didn't have to like them, and it was okay (I think he then breathed a sigh of relief).  I understand not everyone has the same taste in shoes as I do, and that's okay.  I sometimes like 'out there' shoes and while there aren't for everyone, these booties got many looks and several compliments (bonus!).



  1. The bag is freakin' amazing, A. It reminds me of a Bottega Veneta bag.. but a fraction of the price. SCORE! What I love more than the bag though, are the shoes. Swooooonnnn. I love all your shoes (and shoe closet). My dad does the same thing when he sees all my "crazy" shoes. When he saw the Lanas (JC), he just stared at them for a really long time and asked if I was really going to wear them around town. LOL. I love my dad.

    Miss U.... love u.... Muah!

    xx Love & Aloha

  2. great outfit. I LOVE that bag!!

  3. i love the shoes!!!!!

    they look great!

  4. Love them!! I am was DYING for a pair of Ash booties that I posted last out of budget so I opted for a BCBG pair instead because they are just as cute and much easier on le wallet!

  5. I love the straight jacket lookin' should get a jacket to match!!! xoxo ur so you like cool whhhip? Do you have any recipes that involve cool whhip?


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