Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fathers' Day: iPhone Snaps

I know these photos are a little late, but better late than never, right?  Right.  My sister and I hosted Fathers' Day brunch for our family and it was a beautiful day.  The sun was shining, it was warm and we dined al fresco, drank mimosas and had a bean bag game tournament (and guess who won?  This kid, right here).  This is the fourth brunch we've hosted in under two months and again made something new: breakfast pizza, which ended up being a total hit with everyone, including the Dads.



  1. Where did you get that bean bag game stand?

  2. By the way, That pizza looks delicious!!

  3. Awe that pic of the pup looks so cute!

  4. Mmmm breakfast pizzas. I gotta give that a try. :D The puppy is freakin' adorable as well!!!


    xx Love & Aloha


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