Friday, April 1, 2011

The Secret Life of Bloggers

 George cape (last seen here), American Apparel top (last seen here), Garage tank, Sirens leggings, 
Bamboo boots (last see here), Ardene & H&M bangles 

Have you ever had someone you find your blog?  Someone that wasn't supposed to find it?  Okay, I say that very lightly because obviously as bloggers we all know that your blog could be 'found' at anytime by anyone, especially if your friends and family know about it.  I accept that, and really there isn't anyone I feel shouldn't see it, but when you think of certain people that won't see it... and then they do... yeah.  It's not awkward, it's not embarrassing, it's a different type of emotion - am I alone here? All that to say, someone came across my blog, someone I didn't necessarily expect to come across it and it was surprising.  Yes.  Good word.  Surprising.  I also think that if you're not a blogger or a blog reader, it's hard to understand this thing we do called blogging.  For me, it's a creative outlet.  I love being able to share my creativity, style, DIY's, inspiration, etc. with you all.  Just as I love to read other blogs for the same reasons.  The blogging community was something completely foreign to me over a year ago, and now it's this fantastic thing that I'm a part of, and it feels so great.  It's like a great place to go to daydream, express yourself, vent, gather inspiration and make friends.  With that said, thank you, thank you, thank you to each and every one of you who reads (and comments) and to those who come back regularly.  You make this so much better and I love being here.



  1. Um... yes. I feel you in every single thing that you are saying! I try so hard to keep my blog away from people that I don't really want to read it. For instance, people at my job. I hope they never find it. There's nothing bad on it or anything but my coworkers don't need to see me writing a post about my denim cutoffs. Blogging can be embarrassing, I'm not embarrassed of my posts but like you said - non bloggers don't really get blogging. When I load a page and it has 20 pictures of almost the same outfit, I get that and can relate to that. To non bloggers, it's so weird. Unfortunately, an ex of my ex found my blog and due to my statcounter, I can see that she's on it all the time, it's so annoying, but hazard of the trade I suppose! I feel you. PS love the outfit :)

  2. I think your blog's amazing, I look forward to reading it each morning for inspiration!! :)

  3. it hasnt happened to me yet. but i know that 'surprising' feeling u r talking about. and i totally agree that people who are not bloggers or read blogs, dont get it at all!

    great outfit. loooove the boots

  4. I had a couple of "surprising" moments this week when a guy friend I knew from college commented on my blog. Seriously I have no clue why he reads it. My grandma also found my blog... thanks to my mom. Which is just weird. She doesn't understand it at all and I'm willing to bet she doesn't really approve of it.
    Oh well... there's a great community of bloggers to support each other through the surprising moments of life :)


  5. i know exactly what u mean. its happened to me. and makes me go :S :S :O lol

  6. I had my boss call me up and say "my wife loves your blog and your videos!" and I was like "uhhh, great?" :) I didn't care if my co-workers knew about my blog but I never told them about it because I work with all 40-50 year old men that I doubt are interested in fashion. But then he found out and all my coworkers started talking to me about it and then they knew people that I used to work with who then told everyone and on and on and on. I've always been very open about my blog as all my friends and family read it but when it got to co-workers and former co-workers was when I go that emotion that you are talking about. Like I don't care that they know but... I'd rather they not know about it because now I'm very guarded about everything I post.

    Anyway, onto your outfit, you look so cute, I love the green tank underneath the gray sweater!

  7. Just a few weeks ago I had a very random email from someone. They had found my blog and were dating one of my ex-boyfriends! She is a totally sweet girl, but just so crazy that she found my blog! Look, the snow is melting!!

  8. my coworkers does not know about my blog and i fear they might find it... so i know the feeling

  9. i never leave a comment until now & i m sorry about this but i can,t resist anymore to say that I LOVE UR BLOG !! u can't imagine how serendipitous it is to find ur blog for girl like me.....i m from a conservative muslim family ,having a strict scientific educational & working background & not to mention that i m from an under developed country like Bangladesh(i love my country:) ) where we have a perception that fashion/makeup is not for serious ppl who r dealing with serious matter of life on a daily basis (though i don't think so) but i regularly come to visit ur blog & love it soooo much ...Love u too . GOOD LUCK & KEEP BLOGING .

  10. I just started blogging, but I definitely understand how you feel! I also love your outfit - the colors look great together. Every time you wear that cape, I wish the US had the store you got it from, it's so versatile and looks great on you!


  11. Oh my goodness, I am the same way. I feel like for me the weird embarasses but not embarassed feeling comes from the worry that they wont get the community that is out there with all of thses style blogs. That they will just think I am some vain girl who likes taking pictures of herself and is obsessed with all that is commercial. But is a creative place. just like musicians put their music online.
    Anyway, thanks for bearing it out, I love reading your blog.

  12. Yes! I totally get what you mean! It is a different feeling when someone that you didn't give your blog address to, mentions that they read your blog. Even tho, my blog is a way I want it to be private to certain people. Like weirdos, psychos and ex bf's. LOL.

  13. I just found your blog and it is fabulous! I just LOVE this outfit! It is very similar to one of the favorites in my closet!


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