Saturday, April 23, 2011

Meet Emily

Hi Everyone!  How stoked am I to be guest blogging for Amanda again! I am emily and I write emily loves.  I wanted to share with you some products that make one of my biggest 'loves' easier!  I paint my nails at least twice a week, it used to be more but now that I have a real grown up job I don't have the time to paint them every other night.  Having naturally weak nails I have always been on the look out for products that will strengthen my nails.  I had fake nails for a while but they were too much upkeep and not really my style.  Next to making my nails stronger I wanted something to help the polish last longer and something else to make the polish dry faster.  I'm not asking for too much, right?!   After years of searching I have finally found my top three nail products. . . . lucky you, I'm going to tell you all about them!

This is my newest favourite colour 'Passion Pink'.  Thanks to my fave three products I can rock this colour for days chip free!

Left to right: CND Stickey, Salon Sciences Instant Articificals and OPI RapiDry CND 'Stickey'

I spent a full day driving around to different Ulta stores trying to find this product and it was totally worth it as it is by far the best base coat I have ever tried.  The best part is it actually lives up to it's name!  This stuff keeps my polish on longer than any other long-wearing base coat.  Since it is clear (not green as it might seem) I just brush on a quick coat over clean nails.  It doesn't need any dry time at all so once I have finished painting my second hand the first hand is dry enough for the next layer.

Salon Sciences Instant Artificials
This was a random Sally Beauty purchase during the summer and I can't believe that I've kept it a secret this long.  I swear two coats of this product and my nails are as hard as gel nails. . . ok, maybe that is a slight exaggeration.  For real though, this somehow dries to a super durable and hard finish, yet removes easily with polish remover.  They recommend putting the coats right onto your bare nail, but I like to put it over the base coat.  As someone who used to have flimsy nails this product is a life saver!

OPI RapiDry
I have used many different quick dry polishes and also the OPI DripDry drops and until I started using RapiDry DripDry had my vote.  This spray is easy to apply (literally you just spray) and with 2-3 spritzes and 5 minutes your hands are good to go.  This is the only product that actually dries to the point where you can do things.  I always found that the other quick dry products would dry the polish to the touch, but not enough that you could actually do anything. 

Let me know what your favourite nail products are!

Thanks for letting me ramble Amanda!

x em


  1. What a great review! I'll have to give the OPI rapidry a try. Sometimes I dont even bother painting my own nails because then I cant touch or do anything!

  2. I was just at Sally and would've loved to have snagged the Artificials-this looks incredible!

  3. that quick dry product looks like it would be totally worth it. i always without fail manage to smudge my nails at some point as i'm waiting for them to dry! great tips emily!

  4. Thanks for the awesome tips!
    I have to go out and find these products now!
    I love painting my nails but hard it when it chips after 2 - 3 days!!


  5. Oh I love the OPI DripDry drops. I thought it was THE product.I have never tried the Rapidry but if it can beat the Dripdry I will definitely grab some!!


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