Wednesday, March 9, 2011

American Apparel Purchases (via Groupon)

Have you used Groupon before?  There are many different companies teaming up and offering great deals at their restaurants, stores and spas (and more).  A few months ago I got my daily email notification letting me know what the day's Groupon was and it was a $50 American Apparel gift card for $25!  I quickly forwarded the email to my sister (we both love AA) and snatched one up for myself.  Of course I sat on it for months and with just one week till it expires, I finally got my butt in gear and made some purchases.  I picked up the double-u dress in white (which I have in green) and the shiny ruched front tube bra in silver (I have to be honest though and say I was interested in this but they didn't have any).  Both of which are with me in Florida as we speak.



  1. I love Groupon! I bought the American Apparel coupon too but I haven't used it yet. Love your picks.

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl
    Fanciful Brainstorm - Tumblr

  2. I love AA! I can't believe I missed that groupon!! I actually just purchased a fun headband from AA last weekend :))

  3. that dress is so cute, it's fab you were able to technically get your purchases for half off!

    Chic on the Cheap


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