Thursday, February 24, 2011


 Mexx sweater (last seen here), Joe Fresh dress (seen here in navy), Sirens leggings, 
Bamboo boots (last seen here and here in grey), Suzy necklace & H&M bangle

This sweater has been getting tons-o-play.  I bought it on Boxing Day (50% off for $50) and it's definitely been a go-to... funny how this is the first time I've photographed it (blogger fail).

So it's about that time of year: I'm seriously craving a winter vacation right about now.  Everyone is going away down south to get away from this frigid weather and I'm stuck here.  I guess it's getting more and more mild but I can't help but daydream about going somewhere sunny.  Even my parents are on vacation saying things like, 'You're sure you can't just fly down?', and, 'It's not the same without you'.  Seriously painful.

However, we aren't taking a winter holiday this year as our friends (and former roomates) are getting married this summer in British Columbia and we will be traveling there (side note: so excited for this as I've never been and have always wanted to go), fun 'eh?  And get this, the bride and groom are staying in town after the wedding to play tour guide to all of us (aka, the friends) before heading off on their honeymoon (um, thoughtful much?!).  Are any of you going away this winter? (Or are you one of those lucky people who live in a warm climate year 'round?  PS, I hate you).



  1. Well BBFF, as you know I am one of those warm weather climate living peeps you hate (sniff) But I am going away anyway LOL
    No seriously though Sunday I leave to go to Scottsdale, AZ to spend the last 4 days with the bf before his departure. (double sniff) suuuuuuuucks!!! Not really the kind of fun trip I wish it was. Maybe I will need to plan a girl's trip to Vegas after that to recover from the heart hang over I will have yet again....

  2. love the messy updo! when do you ever no look good?


  3. A vacation this time of year would be great, but it looks like we're waiting at least a couple of months. Would be nice, though!

  4. lol I am totally with you on this, sister! Gah! Everyone is leaving! Honestly...maybe it's just because I'm paying more attention this year but it seems like EVERYONE I know has gone for some sort of getaway since December! Grr!! BC will be fun though! Patience!!
    Very cute outfit by the way! The dress is a great colour on you!! :)


  5. you are beautiful! love the outfit! i'd go to that sweater all the time, and i wish i had it in 9 different colors! AND i love the boots!

    and i wish i was anywhere ANYWHERE but at work right now. a tropical island would do just fine! ;)

  6. i'm one of those lucky people. ;) i don' need a vacay from the weaher, jus my kids!

    love the orange dress and POCKETS.


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