Sunday, January 9, 2011

Favourite Eye Shadow

Ever since discovering NYX eye shadow over a year ago, I've been hooked.  So hooked that I consistently choose it over all other eye shadows I own, including MAC.  The formula is a fantastic, it goes on smoothly and lasts.  The variety of colours is excellent, and they run about $7 each (at drugstores).  I ran out of my favourite colour ('Ultimatum') about a month ago and have been using a combination of what I already have, as they'd been sold out when I tried to replenish my stash earlier.  I popped into the store to pick it up and was on the hunt for a cool, grey-silvery shadow. Mission accomplished (and the grey goes on exactly how it looks in the pictures, it's perfect and exactly what I was looking for) and while there I picked up a sweet baby pink shadow too.  Bonus, all the shadows were $2 off - score.

153A Ballerina Dream  -  25 Silver  -  155A Ultimatum


  1. I love NYX shadows! The palettes and trios are good if you want to stock up on colors :)

  2. i totally adore NYX shadows too. they are surprising really good quality for the price tag. the sad thing is i can never find them anymore. i used to get it in longs drugs in seattle, but now that place went out of business and i haven't been able to find it since. boo!

  3. I used to be obsessed with NYX! I had so many colors, then one of my girlfriends turned me onto chanel and I own 8 color palletes (and they don't come cheap either!).. and funny thing is, I hardly every wear eyeshadow anymore. :(

    $7 is pretty inexpensive, but ours here is only $3! Let me know if you want any? All the NYX stuff is super duper cheap here. :)

    xx Love & Aloha

  4. I love NYX makeup too. Their shadows are def. comparable to MAC and there are quite a few good dupes. I really like their lipsticks too.


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