Friday, December 31, 2010

Vote & Help Me Win

Hello my lovely readers.  Hope everyone is enjoying their last day of 2010.  I, for one, am stuck in bed with either food poisoning or a flu, it's awful & have been making good friends with the toilet (nice visual, I know).  I wanted to ask for your help in a contest I have entered on Facebook.  It's a contest where you show how you organize your shoes.  The best display wins a $200 gift card to GetOutside, a shoe store in Toronto.  You can vote once per day and I would appreciate your votes more than you know!  Thank you to everyone who has already voted!

See the full post of my shoe room.



  1. Done!Good luck and happy new year!

  2. Will do! Hope you win! Also, I think this years flu strain is like a stomach flu. I was battling it all last week only to seem to have it come back this week. Ugh. Happy New Years!

    xx Vivian @

  3. Feel better. Rest and drink lots of liquid :)


  4. You know you've got my vote! I hope you win... you deserve it. I hope you get better... so you can bring in the New Year with a bang! I'm so exicted.. I just know 2011 will be fabulous... maybe it will be the year we finally meet. Love ya girl! Happy New Year!!!!

    xx Love & Aloha
    Swing by to enter my Wendy Mink giveaway! :)

  5. I voted for you darlin!! I hope that you are feeling much better :)

    xo Lynzy

  6. Thank you for your sweet comments. It means so much to me.

    Hope you're doing A ok. Always keep a supply of fashion glossies on hand :)

  7. Fabulous outfits of 2010! I'm pretty sure you are going to look gorgeous on 2011.
    P.S. just voted and I'm soooooo Jealous of your shoe collection!

    Classy & Fabulous


Only nice comments please. That means you, Anonymous.

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