Friday, November 5, 2010


 Dynamite blazer (last seen here), American Apparel dress (last seen here), Urban Behaviour top, unknown tights, 
Aldo pumps (last seen here), Suzy necklace, Le Chateau bangle & Hot Diamonds ring

Do you ever buy something and over time not really love it because it's so basic or simple or just plain boring?  But over time, you come to realize you actually wear it a lot and are so thankful you made the purchase?  Case in point: these shoes.  I purchased them over two years ago, they are so simple, so plain, so... boring... I mean, compared to other shoes I have, and yet, they get a ton of play, especially lately.  Sometimes those types of purchases are the best and outlast trendy-loves in a closet.



How do I get my hair like this?  Find out.


  1. I always hate buying "basics" because I think pboring, simple, yadda yadda. But I have been saying forever that I need a good pair of black heels. But they're just not as fun to purchase right? But you're right - they get tons of wear. At least in my case I DO buy lots of black flats because I wear them a ton. Love the stockings btw!

    xx Vivian @

  2. I love my basic black pumps, now if only I could wear them on construction sites. . . .

    Woop for donating!!

    Also, I am tres jealous of your tights/nylons. I decided a few days ago that my life was not complete without a pair, and since then haven't been able to find any! I'm tempted to draw a permanent marker line up the back of a pair I own. . . would that be too ghetto of me?! lol

  3. i agree that i hate buying basics...especially when i NEED makes shopping no fun!

  4. I know exactly what you mean -- and yet I always hate buying basics!
    the sad truth is that boring = versatile and you can't always have every thing you are wearing competing to be the star of the outfit.

    Chic on the Cheap

  5. Hello..I just found your blog link...Im a new your style!!!

    Your outfit is GORGEOUS...I love polka dots....:)

    Stop by and say Hello ♥
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