Friday, October 15, 2010

Officially Autumn

Old Navy jacket (last seen here),  Dex sweater, Suzy skirt, unknown tights, 
Joe Fresh boots, H&M bangle & Mexican bracelet

Well it's official Autumn.  I know, technically it has been for almost a month, however, I've been refusing to participate, but, I finally did, and by participate, I mean throw on the tights.  You know I have mixed emotions about this one, but, I'll survive.  On a happier note, the leaves are gorgeous and I haven't documented this much and really wanted to capture some seasonal elements for you all in this post.  It's hard to believe a good chunk of the leaves have already fallen.  What's next!? Snow?

{ having the time of my life, again }



  1. Awesome pics!!! The leaves and trees are just breathtaking!!! I wish we had that here in L.A, Fall/Autumn I mean, it has yet to!!

    You look so pretty!!! I love your outfit!!

    XOXO, CC

  2. love that last photo of you :)

  3. Great outfit! I love the scenery in the pics.

  4. aww i want the leaves to change colors here! you look like you're having so much fun ;) and cute cropped sweater!

  5. i love your sweater! and that last photo is beautiful!

  6. I love all of these photos! You look great (and very happy).


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