Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Making Casual Work for Work

 Dynamite jacket (last seen here), Plenty top, Urban Behaviour skirt, Ardene tights, 
Aldo heels (last seen here), Le Chateau pashmina & bangle, Suzy necklace (last seen here) & Foster Grant sunnies
I bought this top last week while shopping with my mom.  It was exactly what I was on the hunt for: something loose, flowy, preferably grey (remember, small on-going obsession).  It was amongst some dresses, totally random, I held it up and just knew.  Tried it on, done.  Never saw another one like it.  I purchased it with the ntent of wearing it on weekends... you know, with skinny jeans, leggings, mini skirts.  However, I have been itching to wear it and hadn't yet so when I pulled it out in the morning to try to see if it'd make the cut for work wear, I was skeptical.  However, I managed to pull it off and in one of my current fave colour combos too!  Bonus.

{ coppin' Sydney's signature pencil jump }



  1. The jumping photo is my fav!! And I love me a loose top.. helps me hide my food baby... I have one right now.. I ate Pho again.. I think I started a slight obsession.. hee hee. Me likey your necklace too!! I'm going to snatch it! hee hee.

    xx Love & Aloha

  2. I love it- I have a lifelong obsession with grey. ;)

  3. loose tops are my favorite right now..I kind of have a million white ones, but every time I see another one I have to buy it.
    loving those shoes too!

  4. This is a great outfit. Love the new top!

  5. i love the grey & red combo...such a great look!

  6. hahahaha! LOVE IT! I'd have to say that you do the jump much better though ;) That top is FANtastic! OOOH. I'm gonna be on the hunt now!

  7. I Love your jacket, scarf and sunnies : )
    Great outfit sweetie!!!

    XOXO, CC

  8. LOVE the gray + red. You look fabulous!

  9. okay. i love the nude fish net tights :) uh-mazing. it is sexy, yet conservative.

  10. Love this whole chic but comfy outfit BUT I need those tights. I scrolled up immediately to see where you got them so I can get them too!

  11. Love the red pencil skirt! I'm actually pretty obsessed with red this season. It's always been a favorite color, but I've been wearing it more. It's funny how many red things I've bought lately!

    Bren @ Chasing Beauty


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