Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Honeymoon Snaps

{ the great debate: which bikinis to pack }

I always love seeing people's vacation photos and since I only captured a few shots with my iPhone on our honeymoon, I thought I'd share them.  Since we didn't have any service in Mexico, I didn't pull my phone out of the safe very much, but probably for the better: it was a true holiday.

{ the selection of reading material at the airport}

 { don't these airport wraps look so gourmet?! }

 { heading to our gate }

{ en route }

{ the massive jacuzzi tub in our room}

{ cleaning out my purse at the Cancun airport after two yoghurts exploded in there }

{ customs at the MTL airport - ugh }

{ procrastinating }

* All photos taken with iPhone 3G & converted with Polarize app


  1. Love your pics :) Cant believe you had to wait in that customs line - I remember you posting that on Twitter! Crazy!

  2. Customs line is ridiculous! But I love the shots, especially the one of the view from the airplane

  3. These pics are great! I don't do this enough and considering how much I travel I really should. And this polarize app is really cool!!

    PS. I can't tell you how many times I have lived that scene in the airport bathroom cleaning out my purse after something leaked, spilled or exploded. SO annoying! LOL

  4. You're so darling. Love these pics. I can't believe how many swimsuits you have!!

  5. LOVE the pics! i need to get an iphone asap!

  6. I can't believe that bit about the yogurt. I would've passed out right there. oy

    But you do have an amazing bikini collection. It's swoon-worthy!!


  7. i love these sorts of pics--makes me want an iphone! :)

    So, if you're from MTL, do you speak french? :)

    xx a j

  8. These are great, makes me want a honeymoon again...
    Yoghurts = bummer!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog so I could find you, looking forward to keeping up!


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