Friday, October 29, 2010

Hey Shorty

Gap jacket, Banana Republic dress (last seen here), Le Chateau skirt & pashmina,
Aldo wedges (last seen here), Suzy belt, vintage necklace, Bay bangle & Mexican bracelet

Happy Friday! Aren't you all seriously so happy the weekend is here?  I know I am.  Between car problems, helping plan and style an event and getting up extra early to carpool in with my sister (I know, really, that's not so bad...), I'm so ready to sleep in tomorrow.  I need it.  Otherwise, the weekend is going to be pretty low key, I think.  We've been invited to a few Halloween parties, and normally I'm all about Halloween, but this year, I'm not sure if I'm feeling it (strange, 'eh?).  Regardless of what happens, know that there will be some sleeping in, some jewelery making and some maxin' and relaxin'.

{ this is me showing you how short this dress would be without the skirt underneath - 
not exactly work appropriate! }


PS - Are you guys sick of these shoes yet?  Because I can't get enough!

PPS - Yes, I'm wearing a skirt underneath my dress, again.  
Being tall isn't always all it's cracked up to be!


  1. This outfit is GORGEOUS!! And I don't think I would get sick of those shoes either ;)

  2. Love the outfit! What kind of skirt do you wear underneath. I'm fairly tall and also a teacher, so I'm always worried about my dresses being of appropriate length!

  3. i love how the skirt underneath makes it more work appropriate.

  4. I love that dress and this I love it even more with the black skirt. And those shoes...I might get a pair. :)

  5. That is freakin fantastic, I love it all and I love the trucks in the background!

  6. Perfection! How did the event go?

    I'm sorry to hear about your car, seriously cars are such a money pit! Too bad we couldn't still ride horse and buggy! lol

  7. You can't even tell it's a dress over a skirt, until you point it out :)

  8. Hello Friday...Where have you been all my life? That jacket rocks lady!

  9. FANTASTIC layering skills!!!! I love what you did with the skirt looks like an Alexander Wang! I also DIG the nude fishnets :)

  10. Love your layers. I have the opposite problem and lots of things are too long. Such is life. :-)

  11. And see, I always thought being tall would be so amazing! Love the shoes! Definitely not sick of them! But I want to know how you decide which shoes to wear? With all of your choices, I'd be completely overwhelmed! LOL! Not a bad problem to have though. ;)

    Bren @ Chasing Beauty

  12. SO cute! i love the dress, shoes, jacket, all of it!

  13. loving your jacket and shoes!


  14. Hope you are having a nice relaxing weekend!
    And I LOVE those shoes!

    Chic on the Cheap

  15. fab. dress and the wedges are gorgeous too! i love this outfit.

  16. This is such a cute look! I love the photo location as well! Very nice :0)

  17. I love how you put the skirt under to lengthen the dress.


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