Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

 { Leopard 2009 }

 Happy Halloween!  Did you go out last night to a party and get dressed up?  I love dressing up for Halloween and thought I would share my costumes from the past three years.  We have an annual Halloween costume contest at work, which I entered last year (as the leopard) and won second place!  This year, I didn't dress up and people were actually surprised as it was so unlike me.  Tonight, we will be giving out candy to the kiddies, which is always fun.  My girlfriend is even coming over to help as she doesn't have a place to give out candy - fun!

 { 80's Aerobics 2009 }

{ Sailor 2008 }

Yes, it's a wig, what do you think of me as a brunette?


  1. Fun costumes :) We passed out candy tonight, too. And put the dog in his costume haha.

  2. HOLY CRAP!! Love you as a brunette! I mean you are obviously stunning as a blond but this just suits you too! I would have never guessed it was a wig!

    And yes, that Kim K butt was glorious! I do wish my bum was just a little bigger - maybe not quite that big though! lol

  3. O M G!!!! You look freaking fabulous as a brunette! eeekkkk! I mean, you look gorgeous no matter what, but wow, I've never seen you as a brunette.

    happy Halloween gorgeous girl!


  4. Okay, I was going to ask if that was a wig or real & then read it's a wig, but HOLY COW you look SO GOOD with dark hair!! I absolutely LOVE it!

  5. That kitty costume is tres chic lady! Happy Halloween!

  6. i like you brown girrrll!
    cant wait to see what you dressed up as this year.<3

  7. Are you KIDDING?!! You need to BE a brunette! Holy hotness lady! You look amazing!

  8. OhEMGEEEEEEE!!! I love you as a brunette A!!! Do it do it do it.. I mean.. blonde looks great on you, but that dark rich brown color looks totally incredible. Definitely something to think about. And a fabulous color for fall/winter too!! I hope you consider it. :)

    xx Love & Aloha


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