Sunday, September 12, 2010

Shooting in the Rain

Seduction jacket (last seen here), Digital lace top, Garage skirt (worn as a top) & 
jeans, unknown belt (worn as a necklace) & Liliana shoes

I did a photoshoot with a photographer friend a few months back which was really great.  We met for breakfast and then did some shooting in various spots in the downtown core.  The downside?  It was pouring rain, almost the entire time.  However, after the shoot we took part in some retail therapy which was quite rewarding.



  1. Great shoes!! I want a photography session!! lol

  2. Beautiful pictures!

  3. Love the shoes miss thang. I mean MRS thang. ;) I hope you're having a good weekend. I sure am having tons of fun with the new camera. I love it! I want more lens now. uh oh. hehe

  4. Very pretty look... the top is gorgeous :)


  5. You look beautiful!! I can't even really tell you're in the rain! And I haven't picked out me wedding shoes yet... but those are pretty amazing and super comfortable!

  6. You still look fab, the overcast sky adds such a mood.

    Chic on the Cheap

  7. Wow - these ar gorgeous! Love that top.

  8. I absolutely love the way you used the belt as a necklace it is so unique!

    Just came across your blog, love it! xo

  9. you so pretty!!!! I am loving the top you put together here using a skirt! I would be a bad model, I know it- you look so natural!


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