Friday, September 17, 2010

Date Night

Lapis jacket, Joe Fresh top (last seen here) & tank, Garage skirt, xxx boots,
vintage clutch (thrifted) & necklace & Mexican bangle

Hubs and I went out for an impromptu dinner the other night for sushi.  It was the first time we've had sushi since our honeymoon and it was so good.  Afterwards, we headed home and watched Angels & Demons which of course, I was reluctant to see, but it turned out to be very good and quite interesting.  Point for the hubs.

In other news, I'm a huge fan of these boots and have had them for just over a year.  I'm officially claiming it's fall by breaking out boots.  These are great as they are comfy and work with leggings, jeans and (ta-dah!) skirts.  I loved them so much that I bougt my bff a pair for Christmas last year in a cognac/tan colour.

Lastly, I lied to you all the other day.  I know, I know, bad A.Co, but it was to tide you over till now.  This (jacket) is actually my new BFF.  Sorry grey crinkly motorcycle jacket... this navy blue one takes the cake.  Love ya!



  1. I absolutely love this outfit, especially those boots and that jacket!!!

    You seem to get lucky at the thrift store, I'm on the hunt for a oversized clutch. Maybe it's time for a trip to Goodwill this weekend.

  2. Well, fair enough - that jacket IS awesome! Love it.

  3. great jacket and boots. YAY for date night!

  4. LOVE those boots--I can see why you're obsessed. also loving your navy leather jacket!!

    xx anna jane

  5. That navy color on the jacket is so regal!

  6. I am in love with that jacket. Where, oh where, did you find it?!


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