Friday, July 2, 2010


Dynamite jacket (last seen here) & skirt, Joe Fresh top, belt & shoes,
A.Co Designs key necklace, unknown bangle & Danier pashmina (last seen here)

While the temperature in these pictures might look nice, it was quite the opposite.  I froze when I took my jacket off and for this time of the year, that's very surprising... and not enjoyed!  C'mon summer.  We only get what, three months of you to begin with, get this cool weather outta here!

On a side note, these are my favourite flats ever.  I've had them for a couple years and cannot give 'em up.  I've tried to purchase other black flats, basically to enable a switch up and prolong the life of these ones, but always go back.  They are my tried and true.  Comfy, stylish... comfy.  But then again, why would you wear flats if they weren't comfy?


* What do you lovely readers think of the
changes so far on the blog layout?


  1. Love the jacket! Can't believe you're still wearing one, it's so unbelievably hot down here!

  2. Love your skirt!

    Have a great weekend!


  3. Leather jacket/spotted skirt=perfection!
    Happy Fourth!
    xo Lynzy

  4. Agreed - What is with this weather!!!

    I am going far into QC, I usually go to Quebec City so this is like the boondocks for me! I'm also from Ontario (south-west) I knew you were Canadian because you posted a picture of you mailing your invitations at a Canada Post box!!

    I love the blue of your top and pashmina!

  5. I know the weather has sucked here too! It's SO not cool!!

    Love this skirt, that H&M dress you wore to the party is super cute! I love that you guys coordinated colors! The party sounds like it was fun!
    Can you believe your big day is right around the corner???

  6. cutie shoes! my favorite black flats were also from joe, but they are DEAD - literally, holes in the heels, it's terrible, and I still wear them all the time! Shameful! But I haven't found replacements that are nearly as comfy!

  7. Love the new blog layout, it's much more brighter.

  8. Sooo cute! I love that skirt!! And the blue of the shirt is great :D

  9. i'm with ya! the weather is the same here. you look so pretty in that blue!

  10. love the new layout! and is it cool enough for jackets back home?!

  11. awesome!!!! I love this, that blue goes so well with the black!!! Beautiful- and blog changes look great :) ps, I love your hair in the bun like that.


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