Friday, May 7, 2010

A.Co Fun Facts

Amy over at Junghwa by Amy Stewart does these awesome posts on Friday, fun facts actually, where she divulges various things about herself. I love reading it and look forward to it each week. I thought it would be fun to steal this idea, so let's go:

Fact #1:
I know how ride a motorcycle. I took a course five years ago and finally understood why my dad was so obsessed. Since then, a good friend re-taught me last summer on his bike (a Yamaha R1), which was amazing. We went out several times throughout the summer and I even took it on (deserted & quiet) roads. I have a (huge) itch to buy a bike and hope to do so in the somewhat near future.

(Side note: Both my parents are bikers so I say it's in my genes ;)

Fact #2:
I have a dog named Peanut and she is 10 years old.  She lives with my parents but is our family dog.  She's part shih tzu, part bichon frisĂ© and is so soft and cuddly (and stubborn).  We got Peanut when she was only a mere two months old and could fit in the palm of our hand.  Now, she is about 15 pounds but still enjoys being picked up and carried around.  Can't imagine my life without her.

Fact #3:
My fiancĂ© and I have been together for six years and engaged for almost two years.  This photo was taken at our one year anniversary.

Fact #4:
I only have one friend (PK) that is taller than me, or... we might be the exact same height (5'11).  I tower over everyone else ... and it doesn't help that I always wear heels.

Fact #5:
My bff (SL) and I have been friends since we met in grade 4.  Through good times and bad, we have never been closer than we are now and I couldn't ask for a better friend.  At the end of the summer, she is moving away to another city (4 hours away) to go school.  While I'm so proud of her and happy for her to begin a new journey, I cannot stop getting emotional when I think about her moving away.  I know this is a great and fantastic thing for her, but I really don't know how I'm going to 'survive' without having her in this city.


  1. Ooo how cool and what a fun idea! I like your biker pic!

  2. Awww pupppy!!!
    Cute post - riding a motorcycle sounds like it is awesome, I hope you get your bike!

    Chic on the Cheap

  3. I love these posts! My husband and I have been together for 6 years too :)

  4. I love this!! You and your fiance are adorable and that is so cool that you and your bff have been friends since 4th grade!! Amazing!! I amy have to steal this idea too cause it is o much fun to read other peoples!s

  5. I'm so nosy, I love reading about people's lives! I want a bike so badly, but the weather here makes it not really worth it (darn snow!)

  6. Cool cool post...I like it... and bloglovin

  7. super cute! I'm glad to know more about you!!


  8. I love hearing little tid-bits about other bloggers, it makes them more "real"! Awesome post! xx

  9. That's is awesome that you can ride a motorcycle! I love fun facts and may have to do one soon! Thanks for the idea.

    Have a great weekend,

  10. I know what you mean about your friend moving away. My best friend moved to Cornwall which is about a 6-7hour drive away. I only get to see her on School holidays, though we write, phone and email all the time it's not the same. I do enjoy our time together and we have so much fun.

  11. great post...6 years seems like an my BF and i have been together 21/2 my longest relationship ever lol

  12. Such a fun post! So glad that you stopped by my blog & that I've discovered you. Looking forward to following along :)

    Hope you're having a great weekend! xoxo

  13. you are one hottt bad ass on that bike!
    i love those white pants doll.<3
    you look so freekin gorgeous in all these pictures.
    youre facts are too adorable.

  14. Great post!!!! Peanut is amazing!!

  15. Love the post... thanks for sharing!! :) I also have a BFF, but we've known eachother since we were 6... that's two decades of friendship! We've definitely been through up highs and lows... but our friendship definitely is the strongest it's been. :)... and we live 2000++ miles aways from eachother, but talk at least once to eachother everyday day. She's my soulmate#2!!

    Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

    xx Love & Aloha,

  16. Love these pictures - you are too cute!

  17. Your puppy is so adorable :)

  18. Love random facts..
    I also had a motorcycle obsession (my old email was yenharley...haha)...then I discovered dresses...

  19. Aww sweet post. =) It's lovely that you've been with your fiance for so long, I'll be 5 yrs old with my bf in two weeks. And I have never been on a bike before, lol. =)


  20. Awesome!

    Love this post- and you look amazing in all the shots.... love the one of you & S dancing away.



  21. Adorable~!! I Love this- I am LOVING your pants on the bike pic! So awesome you can bike- get it girl. Pretty pic of you and your fiance, glad you took time to enjoy your engagement!


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