Friday, April 23, 2010

Board Meeting

Club Monaco blouse (clothing swap - thnx PK!), Smart Set cami,
Bongo skinny jeans, Gap wedges (also seen here), H&M bangle,
Tiffany & Co. bracelet, gifted necklace from my bff

Happy Friday!  Isn't it so exciting to know that in only a few mere hours it will be the weekend and us 9-to-5'ers will be free for two whole days?  I'm super pumped for this weekend, although I have a ton to do and am pretty much booked solid. 

Tonight I'm going shopping for a birthday gift for my future SIL, tomorrow my fiancĂ© and I are going to our jeweller to start designing our wedding bands (my fiancĂ© designed my engagement ring), then check out tux rentals, and then I'm on my way to the F-SIL's birthday party.  Sunday we are meeting with our reception venue to discuss food, we'll have some dinner and then it's off to my parent's house to meet with both sets of parents for more wedding talk.  Phew!  Exhausts me just thinking about it.  How are your weekends shaping up?



  1. Great outfit! Have fun with all your wedding plans this weekend!

  2. Nice outfit. Loving how the jeans and wedges look together.

    That's so sweet that you guys are designing your wedding bands. No need to worry that someone out there will have the same ring as you. Sounds amazing.

    I'm excited for the weekend but I don't have anything planned. My friends canceled last minute. They're doing something else. Oh well.

    <3 Serena.

  3. I am sure you will make a very beautiful bride :)

  4. Well- guess we're not hanging out! LOL
    Always a busy body that you take the time to put so much into this great blog- really a highlight of my day!

    Love your outfit as usual- can't wait to get the update on the Wedding Plans!


  5. Lovin' the outfit!! Especially the shoes. Have fun doing the wedding planning!!! Sounds so much fun. Loves!


  6. omg. just this time last year i was doing the exact same thing as you. the only difference being.. we didn't have any family, only a few friends. i'm so happy for you, what a wonderful time!

    thanks for your sweetness. my dog is actually so nice and she is a little sized medium dog, so she doesn't look scary at all. but she did not like his energy, and barked him right out. sweet girl!



  7. You look fabulous and I love the last picture! So professional. Your weekend does sound busy but really exciting! I love hearing about all the wedding planning. have a great weekend!


  8. you are so photogenic! you look so elegant and chic=)
    That is sweet that your fiancee designed your ring!! AWWW!!

  9. congratulations! how exciting it must be =D have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Cute look! I'm always hopeful when the weekend comes. Good luck with all your wedding plans!

  11. Love your shoes. x

  12. Good luck with everything! Luv your outfit! xxx

  13. The last photo is awesome, so high powered! I love the shoes and outfit! Have an awesome weekend, I hope you get to relax a little xx

  14. mmm tiffany's.
    i love this outfit so very much.
    you are such an amazingly gorgeous thing.<3


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