Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Top 3

Kenzie jacket, Le Chateau pashmina, GT belt, Boom Boom pants,
H&M oxford, Joe Fresh Tank, Gap wedges, Charlotte Russe ring,
wooden bangle gift, Suzy chain bracelet

This is one of my favourite jackets - ever.  When I bought it years ago, I never knew the love I would have for it would be so strong (haha) and carry on for many years to come.  It definitely ranks in my top 3, and that in itself beats out many.  I'm so excited I get to break it out sooner than usual this year!


  1. love the colors here. That green is gorgeous with the brown and the white pops so well. Yup, I'm smitten by the scarf! Lovely<3

  2. gosh I feel like i've missed out on your life!:) I knew you moved and then forgot! So here I am finally back, stalking you.:) Happy late birthday!!!

  3. Great outfit!
    It looks amazing on you!xxxx

  4. Cute!! I love that ring! and I LOVE your birthday outfit!


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