Sunday, March 21, 2010

50 Ways

I found this over at dot-dot-dot and found it really insightful.  My favourites are, "Ask for help with jobs you dislike," and, "Prepare for the morning the night before".  As a chronic 'late-person', I'm always running around at the last minute, trying to get organized.  I hate making people wait, but for some reason, I still do it.  It stresses me when I'm running late and even more when I know people are waiting for me.


  1. really useful! thanks for sharing x

    Last day to enter my Olivia Rubin giveaway:

  2. Interesting & useful post! I don't like to be late when I know someone is waiting for me

  3. thank you for the offer, that is really sweet of you! but, I had ended up giving the bracelet to my cousin who liked it =)

    the 50 ways to cope with stress is interesting. i need to work on the "stop thinking tomorrow will be a better day" and "Strive for excellence, NOT Perfection"

  4. I look at so many things on that list and think "so true, if only i would do it!"

    Maybe I should write them all out and try to just do one a day - break a large task into bit sized portions, right?

    Chic on the Cheap

  5. this is really helpful for me atm
    i'm in a ton of stress from school


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