{ seafood linguini }

Last weekend a bunch of us girls went out to celebrate Tara's birthday.  We ate at a New Orleans-style restaurant.  Lots of seafood, lots of cajun, lots of fun.  They even had dualing-pianos for entertainment later in the evening!  It was fantastic.  Unfortunately, the night ended in me finding a parking ticket on my car.  Argh.

Here are some pix to get your mouth watering.

{ tank tops hung to dry }

So being as tall as I am, I am forced to hang most items to dry (after washing).  Can't risk a shrinking, now can we?!  Certainly not.  I'm sure my fiancĂ©e doesn't mind though, since I'm such a pro now at never shrinking his items either ;)

How do you dry your laundry?  Do you dry everything?  Hang everything?  Mix it up?

{ Coach keychain, a gift from my future mother-in-law }

We as women tend to carry a ton of crap with us, day in, and day out.  My bag is always overflowing with stuff ... most unnecessary?  Let's take a look inside my bag ... Here's a view of all the things I tote around on a daily basis, give or take a few things ;)

  { wallet, glasses, compact, mitts, USB stick, iPhone, antibacterial hand lotion,
lip gloss, keys, nail polish, a snack and some chocolate. 
missing: a pashmina, I always have one with me }

{ Tiffany keychain, gift from my future mother-in-law }

{ Bath & Body Works, 'winter candy apple' lotion & 'ultra metha lip shine' }

{ iPhone }

I was reading In Her Stilettos's blog today (she lives in Texas) and she was saying they were getting some snow and what a 'treat' it was for this to happen.  I couldn't help but recite this in my head as I spent over an hour shoveling snow today after work.  And not the light-fluffy snow.  The super heavy, wet, great-for-making-a-snowman kind of snow.  Did I mention super heavy?  Anyways, as I live in a place where snow arrives like clockwork every year, it'd be nice to see it as a, 'treat', however, such is not the case.

In any event, Peanut and I made the best of it today and went for a little walk in the forest ... pre-hour-long-shoveling session.

{ it's still snowing ... 4 hours later }
OMG. OMG. OMG.  When I spotted these on Kimmy Davis' site, I immediately started drooling.  Aren't these Pierre Hardy multi-colour wedges amazing?!  They are killer.  I've searched and I've searched and cannot find them anywhere online for purchase (hence, no link) ... mind you, they are a little high for yours truly ;)
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