Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Happy first day of winter!  We are feverishly trying to finish up the Christmas shopping over here and I've spent the last three nights, including tonight, shopping.  I'm just about there and hoping I can finish up tomorrow and get all the wrapping done on Friday.  If that's not last minute, I don't know what is... actually, I do, but this still feels very last minute for me!

Something I've been getting a few questions about (thank you!) is Vlogmas--where the heck is Vlogmas?!  If you're not familiar, it is a December tradition of vlogging everyday.  I did it last year, and the year before, and loved it, but it's a ton of work.

After getting super sick for four weeks in the middle of November, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't participate in Vlogmas.  I was bummed to have to decide that, but had to put my health first. I don't want to get too negative, but working full time, blogging on the side and filming my life, editing and uploading a video every. single. day. for the month is a lot.  Add that on top of the general holiday excitement of hosting parties, going to gatherings, seeing family and trying to check everyone off your list, it will legit take a toll on the bod (case in point: when I got sick during Vlogmas last year).

So all that to say, I had to put Vlogmas on hold this year, and just focus on everything else... and I hope you don't mind, and understand.  I've been extra focussed on getting daily content up for you, sharing awesome sales and gift guides, outfits and more.  I truly put my heart and soul into this blog and appreciate you girls so much.

That said, I will be continuing to post daily content after Christmas because the sales are going to be huge!  I've already been getting a few sneak peeks at what retailers have in store and will share with you all my top picks and what you need to buy.

I'm sharing a little video I made below where I basically share everything I just went over about why I haven't done Vlogmas, but there is also some fun footage of my family's annual tree decorating and how I make my favourite pancakes that you always see in my Weekend Recaps.  Hope you are having a great day, and see you tomorrow!

A few fave Vlogmas videos you may have missed:


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