Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Summer is the quintessential time for hosting get togethers and what better way to send off Summer with a rooftop crab boil!  While we do our fair share of hosting, we had never done anything like this before, so when Marco invited 15 of our friends over, I quickly got to planning!

First we set the menu, aside from the crab, and then it was time to get down to the fun part: the decor details!  I headed out to Place d'Orleans and explored several of the home stores and so began the planning of Crab Boil 2016...

First things first, cut the flowers, set the table and pour the wine.  I used newspapers as an inexpensive way to dress the table, but also for easy clean up afterwards.  It was a little windy on the rooftop, so we ended up having to tape it down!

I picked up these adorable glass water jugs at Stokes in Place d'Orleans and was excited to find these as an easy way to add a fun touch to the table.  To keep things simple, I used silver mixing bowls to host salad and ceramic white square bowls for tons of lemon wedges down the table.

The lobster bibs were a huge hit, and kind of hilarious at the same time!  We all ended up wearing gloves to eat with our hands so the bibs were definitely appreciated.

7 Ways to Send Off Summer in Style

1.  Plan your menu in advance  |  We decided on our sides, and stuck to them, which meant corn on the cob, truffle fries, coleslaw & cornbread.

2.  Set the stage  |  Pick a theme, and run with it.  I knew I wanted the decor to be casual but pulled together, with pops of red.  I incorporated it through my tea towels, mason jars to hold candles and unfussy aluminum bowls for salads.

3.  Cheat, if you have to  |  I'm not going to lie, that cornbread was no home-made, but it was delicious and no one was the wiser!  Outsource what you can, if you need to.  For me, that meant popping over to a local restaurant and ordering 20 pieces of cornbread so I could spend more time shopping for decor.

4.  Candles set the mood  |  Bring your candles outdoors and set the mood for evening dining.  

5.  Gather your necessities in a bucket  |  I picked up a few crackers for the table, a pepper mill, spice shakers (for those that wanted extra cajun spice) & more.  Toss it all into a large bucket or basket to bring out and set up your table.

6.  Accept help  |  If guests offer to bring something, let them!  I always take friends up on offers to bring a side or dessert.  It lightens the load, and people wouldn't offer if they didn't want to help (or feel grateful to be invited).

7.  Have fun!  |  Although party planning can be stressful, greet guests with a smile and grab them a drink, if you can.  Once the wine starts flowing, no one is worried that dinner is taking a little longer than expected.

Photography by Lisa Provençal.

Sponsored by Place d'Orleans.


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