Monday, May 23, 2016

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps | Toronto Edition + more


Happy Monday ladies!  I'm still in weekend mode, with it being a holiday in Canada, but I know a lot of you don't have a long weekend until this one coming up, so wanted to get the Weekend Snaps up today.

I shared this photo on the A.Co Facebook page on Friday with the details to the kimono.  I just scooped it up and wanted to share the link while it is still available.  I often share that sort of thing there, and always share different things on each social media channel, so follow along if you'd like.

On Friday night, after a brief workout, I met up with some girlfriends for Vietnamese food.  One of our friends just got engaged (!!!) so it was a bit of a celebration/see the ring/catch up-type dinner, which was awesome.

Saturday morning healthy pancakes.

...and then we were off to the airport to head out to Toronto.

It was a perfect weekend, weather-wise, and since our hotel was only about 3kms from the airport, we decided to walk along the lake and take advantage of the sunshine.

After relaxing for a bit, we headed out for an early dinner to our fave Toronto tradition:  Korean BBQ!  I've mentioned it before, but we don't have any spots in Ottawa for this so we love having it when we travel.  That said, be prepared to leave in a serious #meatcoma

These lace-up flats are so comfy!  From the first day I wore they, they didn't need any breaking in and I walked almost 20kms while we were in Toronto in them.  They are great if you have wide feet, and also come in black.  I would highly recommend, plus they are real leather.  I'm thinking of purchasing another pair after scuffing the toes on one too many subway grates!


On Saturday night, we went to the Raptors Game!  It was the main reason we went to The 6ix, and they ended up winning.  It was a tight game the entire time, and the Air Canada Centre was just erupting the entire time.  So excited they are in the Eastern Conference Playoffs!  #WeTheNorth

SIDENOTE:  This off the shoulder top is new but I can't find it on F21's website.  I picked it up at the Rideau location, for all my local ladies (no other colours).

And how cute are these stemless (plastic) wine glasses?  


The next morning we slept in a bit, got ready and I went out to do a little shopping on my own, before meeting up with Marco for breakfast.

I know this outfit looks the same, but I promise it's not, ha!  Since it was just a 24 hour trip, I wore the same pair of shoes the whole time, and denim + black skinnies with different black tops on Saturday night and Sunday to fly home.  The denim jacket was perfect, warmth-wise, for the evening and crisp morning.

On our way to the airport, I stopped into Daily Press Juicery and grabbed this green juice--definitly not man friendly, but makes me seriously consider getting a juicer.  Maybe when we move and there is more counter/storage space!

We made it back to Ottawa in the late afternoon, just in time to quickly unpack, tidy up and begin preparations for a BBQ we were hosting for my Mom's birthday. 

I picked up these lanterns on Saturday morning before we flew out and they were a big hit--which makes me want to go back and get a few more of the smaller ones for lining the table during BBQ's this Summer.  They come in clear and light teal, but I loved the blush ones. 

The cutlery holder is a new piece as well--something I've been meaning to purchase but hadn't pulled the trigger.  It's always a bit of an ordeal gathering everything and bringing it to the rooftop, and I kind of had my heart set on a wicker one, however, it was convenient to grab this tin one while at the store.  It worked out perfect and makes it easy for guests to grab cutlery and dive in.

Hope you had a great weekend!  As always, thank you for reading along & coming to my little corner to hang out.  xo


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