Monday, May 2, 2016

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

Happy Monday ladies!  Sorry for the slight delay in the snaps, I was helping a friend unpack her new home last night, got home late and then Game of Thrones (!!!)--need I say more?

Onto the snaps...

We tend to eat out quite a bit, making time to cook hasn't been a strong suit of late, but after indulging in Mexico for a week, I was determined to get back on the clean eating train.  That said, we agreed if we ate healthy week, we'd get a special dinner on Friday! 

We got Thai take-out, and while this isn't my personal fave (it's totally Marco's though!), I especially enjoyed this time--perhaps one too many chicken + salad combos all week.

More photos after the jump...

You ladies know how much I love these pancakes, and make them every weekend because they are so dang good!  I seriously missed these during our vacation and was so happy to have them again.

On Saturday, I skipped the gym and did some errands in the morning, then we met up with Marco's family who were in town for the weekend.

After a short but sweet visit, we went to Chuck's Deli so I could grab a quick bite--I was craving a sandwich #outofthenorm and this totally hit the spot.  I love their paninis and always get the chicken/bacon with the lentil salad.  I could seriously eat it everyday!

I finally unpacked the suitcases from the trip and did a ton of laundry on Friday and Saturday night.  It was needed and between that and cleaning the condo, I made a few necklaces for a client that are being shipped out today.

On Sunday, I spent the morning finishing cleaning while Marco golfed and seriously, what a nice relief to be caught up.  I don't know about you girls, but while I love to leave the condo spic-and-span when we go on holidays, it doesn't always happen.  It was nice to get all laundry put away, see the floor of my closet again and mop the floors #thatneverhappens

After that, I ran a couple errands and found that beauty of a dresser at Home Sense, then like I said, went over to my girlfriend's new place to help her unpack.  We grabbed Greek take-out for dinner, unpacked her entire kitchen, did dishes and put a good dent into the job.  Excited for her new beginnings (that's her kitchen below)!

Hope you all had a great weekend!  See you tomorrow with a new outfit post! xo


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