Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A Look Back at March

Sometimes I struggle with finding enough photos for the Monthly Recap, but March certainly was not one of them...

Kicking off the month, all the hard work of styling and hosting a teen fashion show came to fruition and was a great success.   I took over the social media accounts for Place d'Orleans (have you seen my current Insta take-over?) during our Spring Campaign photoshoot at Blumen Studios and saw myself on the mall posters at the mall.

Then of course, my birthday!  Marco took me to LA and while he worked, I met up with two Blogger friends separately:  Ashley from Pursuit of Shoes and Jamie from Glam Latte.  You can see a full recap of the trip here, and vlogs of day 1 & 2, day 3 and day 4.

Upon return from sunny California, my bestie took me out for my birthday, I did a greenhouse photoshoot for this event I'm hosting this weekend and re-opened my Etsy shop with some fun choker necklaces.

I scored my long-coveted PS11 bag #happybirthdaytome and we hosted Easter dinner with my grandparents.

A few related posts:


1 comment

  1. I've asked this question once before and I don't understand why you won't answer it. I am not asking it to be rude; I'm just genuinely curious - why on Instagram do you hashtag yourself as a Toronto blogger when you are not from Toronto and have never lived there?


Only nice comments please. That means you, Anonymous.

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