Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

Hi ladies -- it's been a few!  The weekend and leading into this week has been a bit of a whirlwind, and I can explain...

I have been hired to style and host a fashion show that is happening at the end of this week.  This has been something in the works for months, but of course as the event gets closer, the days get busier.  I've been working actively on it for about a month and a half--between liaising with stores, styling 20 outfits, fitting the models and more, it's been busy.  Life is happening and so the blog has taken a bit of a back seat, which was totally unintentional!  I miss you girls, and I apologize for leaving you hanging.
All that to say, I'm finally (finally!) sharing the weekend snaps from last weekend and will have a couple more posts up before the week is done and the newsletter will go out on Friday morning--so if you're not signed up for that yet, you can sign up here.
Lastly, I've been loving Snapchat more and more--and I'm on there a ton on the weekends--so let's be friends (I'm @acoest1984).

Friday night I was at the mall with half of our models for the show, fitting them and ensuring their outfits are good to go.  It didn't take as long as anticipated, so on my way home I decided to stop in for my favourite Vietnamese food.  Since Marco was away on business, I dined solo.

Much later that evening, like midnight-much-later, I was off to the airport to pick up the boyfriend. 

Saturday morning staple:  healthy, two-ingredient pancakes.

Post-gym flex off #cheeseballface

After the gym, we grabbed a super late brunch--and it was so cold outside!  Did you see my Snapchat?  The wind was fierce. 
We popped into a couple stores afterwards to look around and I ended up getting these resistance bands for the gym.  I haven't tried them yet but am hoping they help with my squats (I seem to dip lower on one side than the other--for my ladies who lift, have you tried the bands?).

Saturday night was spent steaming, tagging and pricing a bunch of clothes in preparation for a clothing sale my girlfriend and I threw on Sunday night.  I ended up having over 100 items to sell, and while we sold quite a bit, still have a ton left over.  We will be uploading the items for sale here, if anyone is interested, so stay tuned.

Much later on Saturday night, our current Netflix guilty-pleasure: Billions & Greek take-out.

On Sunday, I was back out to the mall to meet with more of our models for fittings and then home to finish preparations for the clothing sale that evening.

Hope you had a great weekend and your week is going well. 
Halfway to the weekend, ladies!

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