Tuesday, March 8, 2016

How To Cut Your Own Hair

Hi ladies, I'm sharing a secret:  I've been cutting my own hair for about a year, and today I'm showing you how to do it.
Grab some shears (I use these ones), a comb, a brush & press play.
Thanks for watching! xo


  1. Not really a fan of the latest hairdo you're sporting these days, the half up half down...it doesn't really do much for you to be honest.

  2. Ashley, were you never taught "if you have nothing nice to say than don't say anything at all"?!

    You are the only individual to leave negative comments on here. If you don't like the blog, then don't read it!

    The rest of us believe in passing on good thoughts and comments.

    May I politely suggest you move on, we don't need your negativity here.

  3. You can politely suggest what you want and I'll continue to say what I want. What you don't seem to get is that this is the only negative comment that I've left - the others correcting her spelling and grammar are meant to be helpful - if I make a mistake I don't mind someone if someone points it out to me - I guess I'm just not that easily offended by things that aren't even meant to be offensive. Not every comment that Amanda gets is going to be one telling her that her hair is fabulous or her clothes are great - so she'll have to deal with it. I'm not bullying her or trying to be mean - just offering an opinion. People need to stop being so overly sensitive.

  4. It doesn't matter the quantity of negative comments. Sure spelling and grammar corrections can be helpful at times, but a blog is not he place to be doing it.

    The desire to share negativity is what has gone wrong in the world. In stars of focusing on adding to the positive part of the world, people are choosing to point out what is negative. What's the point? What's the value? You assume individuals are overly sensitive, whereas I expect more from people than to spend time writing a negative comment.

    Amanda works hard at this blog and all she does. This is her way of sharing her skill of fashion with the world. We should support her in it. If individuals made a conscious choice to keep the negative to him/herself and spread the positive the world would be better. We would avoid the faceless bullying, prevent a great number of unnecessary deaths and maybe look people in the eye in an elevator rather than at our phones.

    You are correct that you have the right to share your opinion, but so can I. My option is that through your negative comment(s) you are perpetuating what is wrong with the world. One comment or many, it doesn't matter, you have chosen to be on the side of society that is not a positive reflection on mankind.

    If individuals took the few moments to add a positive comment or think before they wrote think of what would change. What is the purpose of negativity? To make yourself feel better? To try to bring the other person down? Consider why.

    I will always stand up against the negative and not leave it unsaid. All our comments are likely to be deleted, but I'd rather say it than not.

    Sensitivity is not the issue, it is not a weakness as you frame it. The issue here is the spread of negativity.

  5. No, "The Cousin" - you're not going to turn me into the poster child for everything that's wrong with the world or paint me as the face of online bullying when that is NOT AT ALL what I am doing or who I am. Other people have posted similar comments throughout the years on this blog, saying that they're not fond of a particular shade of lipstick that Amanda is wearing or that a pair of shoes of hers aren't their favourites, and the world didn't end, and she didn't get offended, and you didn't jump in defending her - so when I say that I don't love her current new hairstyle and that I don't really find it particularly that flattering on her, what is different from what I'm saying than what others have said? NOTHING. In fact Amanda has responded to similar comments saying that she knows that what she chooses won't necessarily be everyone's cup of tea, but thanking people for their feedback just the same. You're making way too big a deal out of what I said and trying to turn it into a far bigger issue. If you want to spend your time making something out of nothing and telling yourself that you're defending someone or "standing up for what's right" in the face of online bullying, go ahead and do that - but you're not going to paint me with the brush that you're trying to use. It just isn't going to happen.

    As for this blog not being the place to mention helpful correction to spelling and grammar mistakes - okay - so where is the right place to do that? So these comments can be helpful to Amanda, but just not here? So, where? An email? Should I tweet her (if i used Twitter?) Or leave a comment on her Instagram? You seem to be the expert. I have taken the time before to leave many nice comments - many of which don't get a response or a thank you from Amanda at all. But when there is a spelling mistake that I think she should know about, I shouldn't tell her - because if I am, I'm bullying her? How will she know there's a mistake if someone doesn't tell her? It could be a typo or she may genuinely not know that she's writing something incorrectly. I know she wants to correct these things because she's made the corrections but deleted the comment telling her about the error. So, the feedback is ok but she doesn't want anyone to know that she gets it. Seems silly to me.

    You can write back here if you want, but I won't be reading whatever you respond with - I can't believe this has even turned into the discussion that it has. What a ridiculous waste of time and what a silly thing to turn into an issue.

  6. Ashley - thank you taking the time to add your comments. It has been an enlightening experience!


Only nice comments please. That means you, Anonymous.

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