Monday, October 5, 2015

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

On Friday night we took it easy and stayed in.  We did pop downstairs to the party room as there was a goodbye party for our Super and we wanted to wish him well.

Marco brought us home some Viet take-out (heaven in a bowl!) and I spent the evening editing my on-set PDO photoshoot vlog.

The next morning I made some oatmeal, but had no berries on hand so used a pear (not nearly as good) and we headed out to the gym.

1 cup oats, 3/4 cup boiling water (give or take), 3 tbsp. cinnamon & cut up fruit


Then we hit the road to head to see Marco's family.

We made a quick stop over in New York state (if you follow me on Snapchat you saw that; I'm acoest1984) and I picked up a new lipstick (it's a very chalky, pastel colour with a shiny finish--I love it).

We spent Saturday helping Marco's mom with some things around her place.  One of the major items?  Painting a room!  I'm not going to lie, this was my first time painting but I like to think I made my mom proud (she's an excellent home painter). 

We went to the Mandarin for dinner and this is the only photo I got.  It was amazing, in all honesty and I filled up on prime rib, sushi, shrimp, squash and a plate full of various pies.  #nom

The next morning, we continued to do some work around the house and I took Marco's nieces out to McDonalds.  I grabbed A&W for myself as they have this grilled chicken burger on a whole wheat bun that is actually awesome.  I asked them to hold the ranch sauce and put mustard on instead.  I rarely eat fast food, but this is a great compromise (once in a while) in a pinch.


After relaxing at home for a bit, we went out and grabbed Vietnamese food for dinner.  It's been a while since we've been to our fave spot and it was so good.

Back home, getting some work done on the computer with this little girl in tow--she always hangs around and I love having her perch up on me while I work (or watch endless YouTube videos).

Hope you ladies had a great weekend!


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