Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday Finds

Hi ladies, I know I've been MIA this week, and didn't get the Friday Finds up last week, but it's due to some terribly sad news.  Marco's Dad passed away suddenly and we've been out of town all week.  It was a total shock and we are completely devastated.  He was taken from us far too young and our hearts are broken.  While I did bring my computer with me, I couldn't bring myself to write anything, until now.

I wasn't sure how to bring it up here, but didn't want to not share it as I consider you my friends.  I've been doing my best to stay in touch via social media, but blogging was something my heart just couldn't get into this week.  That said, I thought today would be the best way to share the sad news, but also spread a tiny bit of happiness with some fun links around the web.

Thanks for your understanding & hope you have a great weekend.

How to eat healthy on a budget.

Our friends got married & we came back for the night to celebrate.

I'm a sucker for tea towels & love these ones.

Poutine Fest.  Yes.

Loving peep-toe booties for Fall & just picked up these.

What do you do for alone time?

We are thinking of hosting Thanksgiving, I'd love to get these napkins or these ones.

My newest Instagram crush.

Great price for a fun statement heel (plus it's 25% off right now).

Posts you may have missed:
* Build a Booty Workout (things I like to do / no gym needed)
* A fun idea to do with girlfriends in the Fall.
* Boots I was loving for Fall last year--#5 is still on my wish list and still available!




  1. So incredibly sorry for your loss. Sending thoughts and prayers to you all.

  2. Sorry to hear the sad news; hope Marco and his family are holding up ok.

  3. @Dawn: thank you so much, really appreciate the kind words & comment. <3

    @Ashely: thank you so much, it's been an awful week, as you can imagine, but we are doing our best to support one another. Thanks for the kind words.

  4. So sorry for your loss. No need to justify your absence, totally understandable. Take care.

  5. @Maren: thank you so much--sweet & appreciate your kind message.

  6. Just getting around to reading this now. So sorry for you and for Marco and his family.

  7. @Renee: thank you so much, friend <3 appreciate the kind words. xo


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