Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Dinner at Il Magazzino in Florence


On our second night in Florence, we were able to get a reservation at Il Magazzino Osteria Tripperla, which was recommended to us by our Italian friend.  We had tried the night before but were unsuccessful to get in without a reso so made one for the following evening...


While we both love wine, we have been making it a habit, or so it seems, to order a bottle everynight with our meal... when in Ro... er, Florence, right?

The restaurant is small but authentic, and off the beaten path.  We were told to come here for a true, Florentine feel and I think we really secured that.  

They sat us at the back of the restaurant, which was bright and buzzing and located off a palazza (square) just out of the tourist path norm.

The menu is entirely in Italian, which sometimes has felt frustrating and hard, but our server was excellent and went through each item to explain what they were.  I chose the layered pumpkin dish to start (with baked cheese and tomato sauce) and Marco had the penne.  We were both really happy with our choices--bursting with flavour and delicious.

For dinner, we both chose the same: various meat skewered pieces with vegetables.  Normally we try to try something different to share and get a better overall experience for a place, but from the menu, this really appealed to both of us.

That said, we were both felt meh about the main course.  We laughed because we couldn't figure out exactly what kind of meat we were eating and it all felt very foreign--but then again, we were in a foreign country!  We definitely didn't feel disappointed, just wished one of us had tried something else to expand our horizons.

Dessert, however, did not disappoint!  He had the chocolate brownie-like cake, which was more like a delicious, creamy molten brownie pie and I had the apple pie which was awesome with its' dense pastry (which seems to be common in Florence).

If you're looking for something a little different, and truly authentic, I would suggest this spot if you're travelling in Florence.  Of course, give them a ring first, or drop by, like we did, to make a reservation.  Don't forget, dinner in Italy is after 8pm so do like the Italians and make it around 9pm.

Il Magazzino Osterria Tripperia
Piazza della Passera 2/350125 FlorenceItaly // call: 055 21 59 69
Hours: 12:00 - 3:00pm & 7:30pm - 11:00pm



  1. Could you please do a post on what to wear to a beach wedding please?! I'm going to a destination wedding in the Bahamas in a month.. and I've never been to a beach wedding before. help! Are maxi dresses too casual?

  2. @Champagne Tuesdays: Sure! I think a maxi dress is awesome, it just depends on the fabric. Something in a fancier fabric like chiffon would be beautiful especially for the beach, whereas cotton is a little more casual... which might be okay, just depends on the wedding. Is there a dress code on the invite?

  3. I am soooo jealous. I have always wanted to go to Florence!


  4. @Danielle: awww thank you so much!! One day, I hope, its definitely living up to the hype! :D


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