Friday, February 20, 2015

Recent Eats

It's been a while since I've done one of these posts and I've been trying to snap photos of meals over the past three months or so to give you a rounded idea of what I eat.  I love seeing these types of posts from others, so here we go...

I'm not one to eat in the food court at the mall but Marco somehow twisted my arm a couple months ago and I have to say this General Tao chicken and noodles were delicious (and a bit of a guilty pleasure).

I hadn't made a tortilla soup in years so I tried this recipe which turned out great (I cheated and used a BBQ chicken from he grocery store).  I happened to have tortilla shells on hand that needed to be used up, so I cut them into strips and fried them for a more authentic taste and treat.

More food after the jump...

This is a typical lunch for me, Monday through Friday.  I love the Super 7 kale salad and usually pick up a bag or two per week and eat it over the five days.  I pour it onto a plate, sprinkle with the cranberries and pumpkin seeds it comes with and try to keep the dressing to a minimum.  I love that you can find this at almost all grocery stores now.

You guys know how obsessed I am with these healthy, gluten and dairy-free pancakes.  I always add a scoop of protein now and eat these for breakfast or a snack any time of day.  If I've already eaten eggs, I'll just use egg whites.

This was a special dinner for a friend's birthday.  She requested pasta with a rose sauce and shrimp.  I tried my hand at a vodka sauce and it actually turned out so well!  I topped the plate with fresh cut basil and parmesan petals.  Pasta is probably a once-monthly meal in our household, even though I love it.

One of my favourite meals!  I'm obsessed with Vietnamese food and any time we want a quick, cheap meal out, this is usually the winner (although Marco would almost always prefer Thai). 

This was a regular evening--when I'm cooking for just myself, I can make something really basic and be happy, but with the man is another story.  Here I made some grilled chicken, quinoa and boiled beets.  I love dessert and have a major sweet tooth so my rationale is to get the most nutrients in during my main dish so I can have a treat afterwards!

Weekend splurge!  We hit up Five Guys one day for burgers and fries.  I'm a huge burger lover, but mostly in the summertime when we can BBQ.  I don't really eat fast food but this would be an exception every few months--so good (and that is most definitely a double burger)!

This was last month at a potluck we went to at a friend's place.  I loaded up on veggies, kabobs and salad and splurged on the egg roll.

I'm loving Ferrero Rocher this year.  Definitely a pricier chocolate and one that I would receive for Christmas and it would always play second fiddle to the Lindor chocolates, but not lately!  If I need a chocolate treat in the afternoon or evening, this is something I love to have (one, or a few).

We usually go out to breakfast every other weekend, never anything fancy, just your standard eggs-bacon-toast joint which is right up my alley.  I frequently swap out my bacon/meat for tomatoes but I can not give up the home fries!

My daily caffeine fix is a Tim Hortons steeped tea.  That said, I had been loving an instant coffee (I know, so odd) my girl friend turned me onto for a while in an attempt to save a bit of money on the daily, however, I still prefer tea.

This was one evening in Tremblant where we went out for a late dinner and I ordered a chicken taco salad.  It seems like a good, healthier choice but I have a hard time not eating the bowl after the fact!

Finally, a snack that I frequently munch on in the afternoon: hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese with fruit and water.  I'm still trying to get my three litres of water in a day, which can be a bit of a challenge but I give it my best shot.

Let me know if you enjoy these types of posts and I'll share them more frequently.  Happy Friday!



  1. Hi Amanda,
    I've never tried kale before. What kind of dressing do you put on it?

    Thanks :)


  2. I love these posts, Amanda! Keep em coming!

  3. @Emily: thanks so much for the feedback! :)

    @Delia: the salad comes with a poppy seed dressing which I sometimes use but I REALLY love a creamy sesame dressing. I recently picked up Wafu (?) and have heard amazing things (but have been using a sesame dressing from Food Basics). Kale definitely has a bit of a bitter taste so dressing is imperative for me to down this kind of salad :P

  4. You got me hooked on Timmy's steeped tea! I ordered it after seeing one of your posts and now I haven't gotten a coffee in months lol. I love it

  5. @Blondie: no way!!!! That's so cool! I'm with you, they are delicious (and healthier, right? Because it's tea? :P Haha here's hoping!)


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