Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Are you a hugger?

After reading The Five Love Languages a couple years ago, it was clear my love language was touch.  I also grew up in a very huggy family and am accustom to greeting friends and family with a big, tight hug when I see them and when we part. 
However, over the past few months I've started to notice...

...I don't like hugging everyone.  Although I find touch to often feel warm and welcoming, sometimes there are people I just don't want to get a hug from.  Is that snobby?  I'm not sure but as someone with a large personal space bubble, it kind of makes sense.

What about you, are you a hugger or prefer to greet your friends and family with a smile and words?


  1. I am a Hugger... a slow hugger, I feel a hug is something to be given, not taken, therefore a slow hug gives more.... more what?? hopefully more peace, warmth, or a slight moment of "down time" or a flash of reflective thought.
    There are some people I don't hug, mostly because I sense or see that it makes them uncomfortable...

  2. @Ann: YAY!!

    @Richard: Yeah!! I like that and agree, some people I am conscious NOT to hug as I know they themselves are not huggers.

  3. 100% a hugger, 99% of the time.
    I'm with you that some circumstances/people/both don't 'merit' the hug though (yay for snobby huggers?!). Can't explain it.
    Typically family & close friends get the hugs.
    *hugs!* :)

  4. Didn't grow up in a huggy family and it has taken me a while to get into my hug groove with my inlaws and that whole family. But I am slowly becoming a hugger. To most people. Some I don't hug, it's all about it happening organically and not feeling forced or awkward.

    Hugs are good for the soul and a deep connection to the other person. It's weird when strangers want to hug, but I go in for it anyway. I get what you're saying and mean by "not everyone". Haha

    Virtual hug!

  5. I go with the vibe.... some people appear to not want a hug from me (why the hell not you meanies!) and some I don't want to hug for whatever reason.... they creep me out or whatever. Also can we talk about hugging with big boobs!? That can get weird FAST! LOL Especially when the other person is significantly shorter.

  6. I think it's a very cultural thing and Canadians are known to be 'huggers'! As someone with a European background, I never really hugged anyone outside of immediate family...until I met some super friendly Canadians! One of my close friends was a Canadian studying in Amsterdam with me and it was like chalk and cheese; it was so funny to see this tiny Canadian girl awkwardly try to hug tall Dutchies who are used to quick pecks on the cheeks...
    To answer your question, I think I prefer giving a good hug when saying hello or goodbye to someone I know I won't be seeing (or haven't seen) in a long time. Great post topic! It's so interesting to see such diverse answers :)

  7. I'm definitely not a hugger as I come from a family that just wasn't affectionate. Then my brother got married to a Montreal Canadian girl who often greeted us with kisses on both cheeks. Such a lovely person, however, our reaction was stiff and confused as we didn't know quite how to respond in this situation. Poor Nicole! I'm not certain that she has converted us yet but we are definitely trying!


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